Friday, February 26, 2010

As I am preparing to educate these little gardeners on the importance of eating healthy foods, I have continued my education on what to eat and what not to eat. This has heightened my awareness of the food around me, and who’s eating it, which is starting to eat at me. I marvel in disbelief as I watch diabetics snarf down birthday cake, or overweight women with knee trouble have 2 servings of punch, or even countless healthy co workers hoarding valentine’s day candy and treats. At meetings I am served hydrogenated oils, offered colorful corn syrup temptations, and fatty hormone pumped meat products daily. I have noticed an obnoxious shift in my attitude that has come with this consciousness, and I don’t like it. I spent most of my life eating these foods without a second thought. How quickly my compassion and understanding has turned to judgment and criticism. Is this an inevitable stop in the process of change and awareness? Or am I just being a tool? I believe that effectual sincere change needs to come from a place of non judgment and compassion, yet I find myself continually shaking my head in disapproval at the diets of strangers (and sometimes loved ones).
How can I express my opinion when I don’t think it’s my opinion? Meaning I believe that this issue is right/wrong, healthy/unhealthy. I’m trying to find some grey, or at least paint my soapbox grey before I get up on it.

This blogger’s post help shed some light:

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